Dilapidations and service charge matters can be a major source of dispute between landlords and tenants, with many tenants feeling as though they are being lumbered with the financial cost of works they ought not to be paying for under their tenancy agreement.
Similarly, a landlord may feel that tenants are not taking due responsibility for the upkeep of their property. Thankfully, we are in most cases able to bring about a satisfactory outcome, making good use of our expertise, knowledge and impartiality.
Commercial landlords and tenants can often find themselves burdened with significant costs, where the covenants and obligations detailed within their lease are not carefully managed or protected. We have a great deal of experience in the preparation of Schedules of Dilapidations, for landlords, as well as reciprocal arrangements to negotiate the content of any schedules on behalf of tenants.
Other services we offer:
Photographic Schedules of Condition
Pre-Lease Surveys
Licences for Tenant Alterations
Contract Administration
Defect Analysis
Planned Maintenance Surveys
Vendors Surveys
Trust our experience
Whether it is a commercial or residential matter, we will provide a great quality service to meet your specific needs. We can also tailor our reports and services to meet your requirements to ensure the end product achieves your overall objectives.