Your property may be your greatest financial asset. To predict future expenditure, a Planned Maintenance report is an invaluable document to assist in this regard. These can range from 3, 5, 10 and 20 years and beyond! Furthermore, an accurate assessment of the Reinstatement value of the Buildings Insurance is also crucial to ensure the insurance cover reflects the specific property.
Safeguard your property the right way!
Whether you own a commercial property house or a flat in the Berkshire area, KKBM Building Surveyors Ltd will make sure that you are provided with a comprehensive buildings insurance assessment for the property as a whole.
Our services cover:
Planned maintenance surveys
Any structural damage to your property
Damage to external buildings such as garages and sheds
KKBM Building Surveyors Ltd can help with the long term strategy for your property with our Planned Maintenance and Buildings Insurance services. Contact us today on